
ADventure Virtual Machine

Welcome to the adVM Engine!

The adVM Adventure Engine

Totally customizable

Most things (everything that is not critical to performance) are stored as python variables, meaning that almost everything the engine does can easily be used from python. Even if some variables are not exposed to python natively, you can easily expose them yourself since they're already in a form python can use.

The adVM Project aims to create an adventure engine that you can use to create adventure games like the classic LucasArts TM or Sierra games. At the same time, we're using latest technology to allow exploitation of current hardware's features.

To achieve that, we're using the SDL library for performance and platform independence, as well as Python to do all the scripting. Even some parts of the engine itself are written in python, while the core foundation remains written in plain C / C++.

Getting started

The first release ever is planned for September 1st 2006. Be sure to come back at that time. Right now, you can access the svn repository if you're feeling lucky and like to experiment with the engine.

You can already read the basic tutorial to learn how to create your first adventure game with adVM.

Libraries used

The project depends on the following libraries:

  • SDL
  • SDL_image
  • SDL_sound
  • SDL_ttf
  • Python
  • bzip2
  • guichan
  • ogg/vorbis


To get an idea of what adVM looks like.

A demonstration of
the AVM engine
An extract of an AVM script Another extract of an AVM script